Lower Back Pain
Lower Back Pain copy

Why it Works

Millions of people endure lower back pain where traditional seating is not an option. We have learned, as our personal story best describes, not every back-pain victim finds comfort in soft cushions. Either immediate agony, futile fidgeting or perhaps 5 minutes of comfort in a slouch position, are the limited options. 

The truth is, any of the above will ultimately lead to more challenges. It is a debilitating battle that hijacks your life.Further investigation proved that for most, adequate seating remedies do not exist. There isn’t a product yet that does not attract unwelcome attention. Doughnuts don’t work. Clunky seats whether they work or not, are visually unfriendly. The BACKISEAT is designed to offer discretion and style for anyone or for any occasion.

It promotes long term spine strength

The BACKISEAT works because, in addition to the first 2 challenges, it addresses a third most important issue, the source of the ailment.

A hard seat that one does not sink into, it prevents further pain and compression to the nerves and vertebrates. By forcing the spine to stay upright and properly aligned, the BACKISEAT strengthens the core muscles that support the back. Proper spine alignment is essential to alleviating pain and begin healing. It’s strong core supports the back muslces which is a life long way to prevent future back pain.

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It helps the brain?

It addresses the whole muscular, skeletal and neurological world of the spine, but it doesn’t end there. It is not only the joy experienced from pain relief but promoting upright posture while seated also ignites the brain. Neuroscientific research shows that an upright body signals the brain to be awake. The stimulated neurotransmitters help produce positive, alert thinking.

The BACKSEAT is a brilliantly simple product that provides relief, restores physical health, and sustains wellness.